The team has developed a Coq verified library for time conversions between UTC and Unix, including leap seconds [to be published]. More precisely, the Coq Time Library is a verification project consisting of a library for managing conversions between formats of time (UTC and timestamp), as well as some commonly used functions like sums, computation of a duration between two times, etc.

What is a Time manager
Time manager definition:
Set of algorithms which define the time and arithmetic among dates (add time;
difference, etc.). In fact, any programming framework or operating system have their
on time manager).
Example of study: different driving times of the same vehicle
depending of the time manager used.
We present our FV Time Manager, a formally verified software for managing UTC time, which provides public formal specifications, public software, and public mathematical proofs.
The only fully UTC consistent, time format and timestamp.
2020-01-01-00:00:00 UTC
UTC Timespan 1577836827
Formal calendar definition (different from Gregorian UTC calendar) for time interval measurement as general solution for the problem of grouping seconds in UTC calendars.

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